Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another WIP

I did promise WIP shots, didn't I? Perhaps I will try to finish him (her?)Thursday. Assuming I don't get tossed off a horse again. As much fun as that was, I'll give a second concussion so soon a pass, if it is all the same to you.

On to the show! Started a long while ago, before acquiring my own Lionfish...

A dragon/sea serpent, based on two of my favourite sea creatures: the Volitan lionfish and leafy sea dragons.

Who doesn't love sea dragons?

I am actually writing an entire "how to sculpt a dragon" tutorial based on this monster, so for now, a simple series of shots (featuring, naturally, my messier-than-belief work area):

And that's it. Can't you see the vision?

Heh. Not even much of a joke; clearly, I am le tired. This really is the beginning of the end, though!

...And if I showed you any more, I'd be giving too much away ^^

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